There are lots of different ways to relieve the stress that we face when we have to deal with the death and destruction related to the job we do as firefighter/medics. When we have a real bad call, we usually have a debrief right when we get back to station. People deal with stress differently. It could be going for a walk along the beach, watching a favorite show on television, or enjoying a hobby. What really helps me to deal with stress relief is my favorite hobby. I build model cars; whether they are street rods, muscle cars, NASCAR, or drag cars. I also have one of the best listeners that doesn't talk back, just sits there and listens and looks at me as if she is saying, "It's OK to cry, I don't mind." It's my dog Abbie. She knows for some ungodly reason when I need somebody to listen.
When we do have to deal with a sudden death or destruction we all watch each other for different signs of stress. They do have counselors available through mental health clinics to help us deal with what we just had to go through. Yes, I have had to deal with death, whether it is natural caused or sudden trauma or illness.
I am lucky to have a girlfriend that knows how stressful this job can be. She is a fromer firefighter/medic from the Dayton, Ohio area. She has seen a lot of the same needless death and detsruction I have. She knows when I want a human to talk to or she knows when to leave me alone. That is a big help in itself in dealing with what we have witnessed.
Life after stripping, My future plans
15 years ago